No surgery. No strain. Our synergy machine is the answer to taking the inches off your waistline, faster and without worry.

One of the newest and most advanced technologies for addressing problem areas on the body, Gauthier Health Care utilizes a Synergy Machine, developed in France, to thin out and disperse cellulite and fatty tissue.

The Synergy Machine, originally designed to smooth the rippled skin of burn victims, has been discovered to have fantastic benefits when it comes to removing excess skin after weight loss, cellulite and areas of fatty tissue – leaving the patient with a smooth and fit appearance... all without surgery.

Using suction to thin and spread unwanted areas of fat and loose skin helps the body better burn them off. Synergy treatments are perfect for pre-wedding sculpting or vacationing.

Contact Us at Gautier Healthcare if you have any questions about our body sculpting treatments or wish to schedule an appointment. We are excited to bring you this pain-free option to help you look and feel the best you have in years.  