Used for over 5,000 years in conjunction with deep tissue massage, the evolution of hot stone massage is a long one.

The technique is believed to have begun in India, where it is believed that stones were taken from the riverbeds, then heated and cooled for use in massage and healing practices. In Asian cultures, heated stones have been used for over 4,000 years to aid digestion, benefit one’s energy flow and improve the functioning of internal organs. And Native Americans believed that hot stones restored balance, and would pass them during ceremonies to rub on ailing areas of the body.

Our Stone Therapy massages, used in conjunction with other forms of massage, use an alternation of warm and cool stones to stimulate and calm overworked and tired muscles.

The use of hot stones during muscle therapy releases tension at an increased rate over normal massage due to the combination of both heat and pressure applied at the same time. This causes muscles to relax on a deeper level.

Hot stone therapy is a specialized service performed Gauthier Health Care therapists who have undergone extended training specifically designed for this technique.

Should you be interested in learning more about our techniques or scheduling an appointment, please Contact Us via the phone or by web. The staff at Gauthier will be pleased to help you decide on a massage therapy service to best suit your individual needs.