A modern application of an ancient technique, ear candling is a cleansing process which has been known to significantly improve hearing, while also reducing the frequency and severity of headaches, earaches and inner ear infections.

Our ear candles are made of cotton, dipped in wax and wound into the shape of cones, forming a hollow candle.

One end of the candle is placed in the ear canal, while the other is lit, creating a warm vortex, which not only makes the ear canal sweat and excrete extra wax, but also lightly and gently draws wax and debris out of the ear and into the candle.

At no time is the flame or hot wax in contact with the patient.

Should you wish to learn more about our ear candling services or to schedule an appointment, feel free to Contact Us via phone or by web. We’ll be happy to assist you with these or other needs in any way that we can.