We all could use a bit of pampering in order to take us away from the hustle and bustle of day-to-day life.

Schedule some “you-time” that is both relaxing and rejuvenating by way of our Ionic Detoxification Foot Bath. This safe and incredibly relaxing process involves simply immersing one's feet into a basin of water for a course of 30 minutes. Then, through the application of a series of negative ions to the over 2,000 pores of your feet, the positively charged acid wastes, chemicals, and heavy metal residues that build up in the body detox naturally, improving energy and reducing health concerns.

When your heart beats, blood is circulated throughout the body. While receiving an ionic foot bath, the blood that flows to the feet carries toxins, yet returns to the heart cleansed.

Ionic detoxification has been known to aid in all of the following health concerns:

  • Allergies
  • Sleeplessness
  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Gout
  • Digestive Disorders
  • Fluid Retention
  • Issues with Memory
  • Weakened Immune Systems
  • Skin Disorders
  • Muscle Inflammation
  • Arthritis
  • Rhumatism
Ionic detoxification allows your body to detox safely, at it's own pace, by mobilizing residues, radiation and waste stored within the body.

Should you have any additional questions about the Ionic Detoxification process, or should you wish to schedule an appointment, feel free to Contact Us by phone or by web. We’d be pleased to provide you with information and help set up a plan to improve your health and well-being.